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Thursday, January 23, 2014

Sandhill Crane

The Sandhill Crane is seen often in our subdivision and our area, Horizons West. With all the destruction of their habitat around us, they have been in our subdivision more. Here is a few pics of one in front of my house eating acorns off the street. He/She is in the street on a corner and if a car should come and not be going slow enough to stop, I could see it getting hit. Sometimes, they are in the road or crossing the road, busy roads where cars don't go the speed limit and drivers aren't paying attention. Sometimes they are even with their chicks. We see them Overstreet, Fiquette Road our subdivision, Berkshire Park, and Lakes of Windermere across the street.  It is prohibited to feed them, but, I have seen they figure out how to use bird feeders that are low enough.

The Florida sandhill crane is protected by the U.S. Migratory Bird Treaty Act and as a State-designated Threatened species by Florida’s Endangered and Threatened Species Rule.

Some resources: