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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Fluffy Mocker

A fluffy mocker. This looks like a girl to me but I don't have any idea. Sitting in a oak tree just outside our yard. I thought she looked full of eggs and here is what user said,
"They lay one egg a day, and don't hang on to them for very long. You can tell when a bird's getting close to laying if you have them in the hand, but in the field the feathers obscure so much of a bird's outline that you can't really see it. " Everyone on the forum just thinks she is fluffy.

"Mockingbirds are natural pest controllers, consuming large quantities of beetles, ants, wasps, and grasshoppers. By eating a variety of berries and other fruits, they also assist plants by dispersing seeds. And their beautiful singing is an invaluable accompaniment to suburban life in South Florida."