live bird feeder

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Tuesday, April 22, 2014

the shy grey catbird no more!

This is the first time I have seen the catbird at the water dish. They are so shy and generally you only see them in the bush line. This spring they have become more use to us I guess because this is the first year they have really claimed the yard as theirs. I have been seeing them for several years but only darting and moving in the bushline. Tonight I saw him on two different occasions stand up to a mourning dove at the feeder, and make his cat noises. He charged him too. Even though the mourning dove stood his ground, it was still worth the effort. It was a good charge bygolly! Then the male cardinal came who is always dominant, and the catbird didn't rush off. He left but he took his time. Yeah. I love the grey catbird. I hope to see some babies this year.