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Monday, October 15, 2012

Red Shoulder Hawk Stalks

This beautiful flawless Hawk (Red Shoulder) has been swooping through our backyard the last few weeks stalking our feeders. Feeders are easy to target if they have no cover. He dive bombed the oak tree a few weeks ago and scared a baby girl cardinal into a crying fit. She must have been flying around inside the tree like her parents taught her (this is a lesson they do where they chase each other inside the tree around in circles) because I saw the tree shaking. I ran out like a freak screaming and he flew out all pissed off. Luckily she escaped unharmed. I know this big boy needs to eat too but it'll have to be somewhere else because I'm on it. No luck here again this early evening. Here he is sitting on the top of our roof after a failed attempt, mad as a hornet but still handsome and cute at the same time. Hard to tell scale but he is enormous.