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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Red Bellied Woodpecker

While looking for migratory bird nests on Sunday, I heard a bird call I'm not use to. I was in the back of our subdivision near the protected conservation where there are many very tall pine trees, both alive and dead. It is such a quiet peaceful part of the neighborhood and I was the only one around. The call noises were different so I knew I had to locate it, and it wasn't long before I did! What a beauty. She eventually went in that hole. I have seen woodpeckers in the trees at my house but they don't stay long and never at the feeders. Maybe I will start making some suet. We do have Indian Hawthorne bushes that berry so maybe they have found them.  I love the bright red, black, and gray with pattern of a woodpecker, and she is just gorgeous. 

I wanted to verify the type of woodpecker and got this information from a helpful member, named "Bird Brain" over at

"It's a female Red-bellied Woodpecker. A male would have red on his crown as well as his nape...this one only has red on her nape. You will rarely see the red on ones's faint and not often visible."

Now that I know it is a female I might go back and see if I can see some little ones poking their heads out of that hole. That is what I was thinking about the entire time I was photographing her.