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Thursday, May 8, 2014

Mockers finalizing nest with the fluff

The Mockingbirds who started this nest over a month ago, see my 3/22/14 post, are finally going to put it to use. They have been slowly adding to the frame all this time. It seemed like they worked like a banshee in the beginning and then maybe she decided to use another nest. I thought I saw them feeding like crazy at my neighbors across the street last week, but, maybe I wasn't seeing them or maybe they lost the little ones to predators. I have been seeing swallow tail kites (I have been trying to photograph them without luck) overhead for the past week or two, and they were hovering over the area where I thought the nest was. We have baby cardinals around too so maybe they were lost to the raptors. Mockers do have territories so it would make sense I was seeing our mockers feeding. I haven't seen fledglings around, and usually you see them with their parents who mentor them.

For the past 5 weeks though they still claimed this nest as theirs. Whenever we sit on the front porch they will fly in with a stick in their mouth to let us know, it's theirs. They have been adding the fluffy fill -both the male and female for 3 days now. Excited to have them. I know they are safe here in a topiary next to our porch, and they allow us to sit on the front porch and enjoy the scene as they just go about their business. This topiary was used last season by the mockers too who had 4 babes who all survived through to their fledgling phase at least

Going in the nest with fluff - click to enlarge

Coming out of the nest after placing the fluff just so. Click to enlarge.