Update 5/9/2014 two days off but back today. Will finish next week.
Update 5/8/2014 The trimmers are not to be found. They are not in the subdivision.
Update 5/7/2014 No sight or sound of trimmers today. Project doesn't look anywhere near done.
We have 33 trees tagged for the tree trimmers. 22 trees were tagged by citizens and 11 were found tagged by County. There are 35 found nests, as two trees had two nests each. Most all County orange ties on trees were squirrel or raccoon nests. Squirrels and raccoons will have babies in the nest at this time of year too.
The tree trimming has started. As I was sitting in my car close to the tree with this active cardinals nest kinda guarding it (well definitely guarding it!), the tree company foreman, or actually, I believe to recall, he clarified himself as the owner, approached my car to ask if everything was okay. I took the opportunity to point out citizen tags (pointing to the tree he was standing next to with this mama cardinal sitting on an active nest and clearly tagged), and he reassured me, no trees with any tags (citizen or county) would be touched at all. He did relay to me County provided him a list of 13 tagged trees, as he indicated holding a paper in his hands, he motioned with. I explained the citizens of the community tagged trees with nests and there were over 30 total including County. He also said, they were the company who did the tree trimming at Lakes of Windermere, our neighboring subdivision I speak about in a prior post. See here.
cardinal sitting on her nest on Sunday 5/4/2104
mama cardinals tree tagged
The tree trimming has started
Tree trim company ?owner meets with County