I haven't been able to photograph any House Finch or American GoldFinch this spring. The American Goldfinch have probably migrated back up north by now but I hope to see my cute little House Finch.
This is what Cornell has to say about where my birds may be.
source: http://www.allaboutbirds.org/page.aspx?pid=1098#q-there-aren-t-1
The five common causes are:
fluctuating food supplies, weather patterns, predator population, disease, habitat change.
The habitat change and food supplies interest me because in the fall we had 80 acres of orange groves demolished by land clearing and fires of the land that abuts our subdivision for housing development. Also, within a 1-2 mile radius we have had a tremendous amount of tree, forest, and land clearing for more development. And, if that is not enough a subdivision neighboring us had an extensive tree elevation not sparing a backyard nest directed by County. I have reported the absence of these two species to a Conservation, Biologist at FWC.